
Shaka Mobile offers TransferTo international airtime transfer service to Diaspora Africans in the US

May 3
Shaka Mobile offers TransferTo international airtime transfer service to Diaspora Africans in the US

Shaka Mobile, who provides the first prepaid mobile and Mobile Money Transfer service for African immigrants in the US, has signed an agreement with TransferTo to launch a cross-border top-up service.

Diaspora Africans, travellers and foreigners who are using Shaka Mobile prepaid mobile phone and Mobile Money Transfer service in the USA may now recharge the prepaid mobile phone of their relatives back home. To perform an international top-up, the sender simply needs to select by SMS or through Shaka web site the amount denomination and indicate a destination number. The transaction is processed securely and in real-time through TransferTo platform. Both sender and receiver are immediately notified by SMS.

"We are glad to partner with Shaka Mobile offering innovative mobile financial services to African communities in the US market to add international top-up in its mix. The service has demonstrated high recurrence usage, generated subscriber acquisition opportunities for our partners, and significant contribution to the bottom line." said Eric Barbier, TransferTo CEO.

TransferTo operates a global airtime transfer network interconnecting mobile operators' subscribers around the world. Airtime transfer enables immigrants to send several small-value gifts to relatives generating local value for a large number of recipients. With mobile phones becoming tools of economic empowerment in developing countries, airtime recharge transfer is regarded as a key mobile feature by migrants and their family back home.

"International top-up is a natural fit in Shaka's service portfolio. Thanks to its coverage in Africa, TransferTo allows Shaka subscribers to send airtime recharges using the balance of their mobile phone or their Shaka Pay account. The service is a great complement to our financial services such as money remittance" says Dhidha Timona, President of Shaka Mobile.

Thanks to TransferTo, mobile operators, retailers, financial institutions, and money transfer companies can offer an innovative and differentiating service to their ethnic segments -- an underserved market with a high telecom spending usage. With more than 100 migration corridors fully covered over 5 continents, TransferTo is a leading global player in the international airtime transfer space.

About Shaka Mobile

Shaka Mobile is the first prepaid mobile services company offering tailored voice plans and mobile money transfer to Diaspora Africans in the US. For more information, please visit the following website:

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