
How mobile airtime rewards drive growth and customer engagement

Feb 20
How mobile airtime rewards drive growth and customer engagement

Rewarding customers in emerging economies with mobile airtime is a powerful and cost-effective strategy to drive brand loyalty and customer growth.The vast majority of adults in emerging and developing countries either own or have access to a mobile phone and for many it's their primary means of connecting - whether it’s chatting to family, watching videos, playing games or paying bills.The fuel that keeps all of these activities running is airtime, and it’s no surprise that customers across the globe are deriving real value from companies that reward them with mobile airtime top-ups and recharges.What are mobile rewards? These are small denominations of airtime or data that are gifted to customers after engaging with brands, products or services. Users can usually redeem airtime in the way that suits them - whether it’s phone calls or WhatsApp or just browsing the web and social media.

How do businesses use mobile rewards to drive growth

DT One operates a leading global API platform that is integrated into the payments systems of over 600 telecom companies and mobile network operators. Our top-up and mobile rewards solution offers a cost-effective tool for building loyalty, acquiring new customers and driving customer engagement.Four benefits of mobile and airtime rewards

  1. Build sticky loyalty programsAirtime is a superior alternative to vouchers and gift cards as recipients can use the value immediately to phone or go online.
  2. Lower cost per acquisitionAirtime is efficient in small amounts, and values as low as $0.30 serve as a significant incentive for acquiring new users.
  3. Drive demand in specific countries and regionsAirtime promotions and campaigns have been successfully used to encourage users to send top-ups cross borders in existing and new territories.
  4. Effective tool for promotions, rewards and surveysAirtime serves as a good incentive for festival based or tactical promotions and to reward customer feedback through surveys.

How mobile rewards are being used in the industry

Some of the ways our customers use mobile rewards include incentivising customers to sign up for their products and services, offering refunds or compensation via customer care channels, or even rewarding customers for settling their accounts faster

  • Customer acquisition App and gaming publishers like Jana and Twitter incentivise customers with mobile rewards to download and trial their products.
  • Survey responsesConsumer research panels and mobile surveys conducted by brands like Kantar and Ipsos reward users who complete their surveys.
  • Brand loyaltyBrands and loyalty marketing agencies like Coowry and Grab use small rewards to ensure customer satisfaction and encourage repeat purchase.
  • CompensationNGOs like Unicef and Premise use mobile rewards to compensate participants in crowd-sourced data collection.

Benefits of partnering with DT One

  • Scalable reward for emerging markets
  • Global reach to over 160 countries and 550+ receiving mobile operators
  • Real-time rewards as low as $0.25, with high perceived value for the recipient

One stop shop

  • Single Contract: DT One is your single point of access to +550 mobile operators
  • Simple API integration (typically takes 2-3 days) and web interface for unit transfers
  • Consolidated operations and complete reporting suite

Want to know more? Get in touch now.

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